Meet All e-Retailer Asset Requirements Easily with CGI

Online retailers like Amazon, Wal-Mart or Home Depot know the connection between good product content and converting more sales. The analytics data shows them how brands with complete and consistently high quality images sell more. It’s the reason retailers are now publishing content requirements or standards for brands.

Where Brands Struggle with ecommerce assets

With the rise of ecommerce, many brands are now focused on optimizing their buying experience and sales growth. But the key areas of product visual contents are often a struggle to produce since most have a high quantity of SKUs. Marketing and ecommerce teams are forced to repurpose product images and videos from other campaigns. The task is time consumer, expensive and daunting. They often do not focus on producing the RIGHT content to drive the RIGHT results.

CGI Content for Commerce Makes It Easy

Many marketers or ecommerce teams are challenged by the lack of time or resources to create these vital areas of product content. Our CGI Content for Commerce program creates all areas of product content – typically from one CAD file or product model. Any SKU variation like metal finish, color or textures can be quickly adapted. This allows brands to create optimal product content for every SKU faster, easier and at a better value than traditional methods.

The Big 3 Areas of Product Content

Typically the content standards are focused on three key areas of content – we like to call “The Big 3”. These are the product assets that consistently drive a better buying experience. Those Big 3 areas are:

1.       Silo / White Background

2.       360-views or spins

3.       Lifestyle / Enhanced Content

Product Content Tells the Story

Studies show that images are typically 85-90% of what customers lean on to determine an online purchase. Amazon has long promoted the importance of Enhanced Content or lifestyle images – which instantly increase sales up to 12% alone.

The foundation of any ecommerce growth is product images or video – and focusing on these areas for each product page.

CGI 360 spin views renderings

360 spin views

Easily show products from every angle.


Sign up for our no-risk “Proof of Concept” trial package

Market Thrive will provide a special offer to “test” the rendering process at a discounted rate to determine if renderings are a fit for their business. The CGI imagery trial package will include the development of a CGI poly model, 3 views of your unique product (white background – straight on view, at 45 degrees right and at 45 degrees left. Other POC packages available. Please contact us today to learn more.

Stacy Bryant